Meningioma along the posterior side of the left temporal bone. A, T2-weighted sagittal MR image. The tumor has an intermediate to slightly hyperintense signal. B, T1-weighted coronal nonenhanced MR image. The tumor is hypointense compared to the adjacent cerebellum. C, T1-weighted coronal contrast-enhanced MR image. There is intensive, homogeneous enhancement of the tumor. D, T1-weighted axial contrast-enhanced MR image. Note the enhancement of the adjacent dura (“dural tail”).
Pulmonary fibrosis caused by sarcoidosis. The mid- zone predominance radiating from the hila with relative sparing of extreme apices and bases is typical of sarcoidosis
Fungal infection. Retention cysts, polyps, and fluid are usually of soft tissue density. When there is increased density within sinus cavities, as seen in the maxillary sinuses bilaterally in this patient, one must consider intrasinus hemorrhage, inspissated secretions, or fungal infection
left anterior communicating aneurysm. B, The aneurysm is demonstrated on the oblique anteroposterior view of the catheter left carotid cerebral angiogram (arrow).
Chest radiograph shows lucency in the right hemithorax simulating pneumothorax, though the hyperlucent space is traversed by some linear strands of parenchyma
Axial contrast-enhanced MDCT reveals a finely lobulated lesion (arrow) with a microcystic appearance in the proximal body of the pancreas. B, Corresponding coronal T2-weighted MR image demonstrates the same findings (arrow) and also reveals a central scar (arrowhead) that is virtually pathognomonic for serous cystadenoma.
Enchondroma in a 56-year-old man. A, Radiograph demonstrates a lesion with a cartilaginous matrix in the distal femur. B, CT scan shows calcifications in the matrix of the lesion. C and D, Sagittal T1-weighted spin echo (C) and T2-weighted fast-spin echo (D) images demonstrate a lobulated lesion in the medullary cavity. The exact extension of the lesion is easily appreciated, but the matrix calcifications are better seen on CT.